Jungle Monitor Loading...

Jungle as of

Head Block

Irreversible Block

Block Producer


Non-empty blocks


TPS Live / All time high


APS Live / All time high

System Contract

Actions and Tools


Non producing Nodes

#NameAnsweredBlockAddressHTTPP2PVersionAgent NameLocation
Block No.WhoActionData
Colors of rows
  • — Producing right now (can be combined with some other statuses)
  • — No response from public API endpoint (while it does not necessarily mean that producer's node is down)
  • — Other version. Version information is obtained from querying public nodes. Block producing nodes are usually hidden. There may be legitimate reasons for "off version" public nodes, like sidestepping a known bug, but these are rare
  • — Unsynced. This does NOT necessarily mean there's a fork or a difference in consensus. It could be that the node is resynchronizing and will soon be synced again
  • — Disabled. Checking stopped as the node was red for more than 12 hours. Please check your node and register again with the same name and pin to enable it again
  • — Wrong Chain. You connected a node with a different chain ID than in Jungles

Note 1: Many BPs use some load balancer with many nodes behind it. For this reason, even subsequent queries sometimes return different information.

Note 2: We pull the list of node producers from `cleos system list producers`. We do this every several seconds.

  • BP — Block Producer
  • TPS — Transactions per second
  • APS — Actions in transactions per second
  • eTPS — Expired transactions per second. All-time high: 16,922 eTPS
  • EVM — Ethereum Virtual Machine
  • P2P — Peer-to-peer
  • API — Application Programming Interface

FAQ and Tips


Yes, there is Hyperion History API maintained by Jungle BPs. You can find some by the following URLs:

You can find Snapshots/Backups for EOS Testnet Jungle at the following link:

🗄 https://backup.cryptolions.io/Jungle/

🗄 https://snapshots.eosusa.io/snapshots/jungletestnet/

To start a fresh node for the first time, you can run nodeos with the following parameters:

./start.sh --delete-all-blocks --genesis-json genesis.json

(run this command in the <NODE> folder)

Make sure you have the following setting in the config:

chain-state-db-size-mb = 16384

(Do NOT set this value higher than your available RAM)

To disable extra validations for nodes without a domain, add the following:

http-validate-host = false

To change limits for your system, add the following in your start.sh:

ulimit -n 65535 ulimit -s 64000

You can create a native Jungle (EOS Testnet) account using the following options:

Option 1:

./cleos.sh system newaccount --stake-net "10.0000 EOS" --stake-cpu "10.0000 EOS" --buy-ram-kbytes 4 <your.account> <new.account> <owner_pub_key> <active_pub_key>

Option 2:

cleos push action eosio.faucet create '[<your.account>, "<owner_pub_key>"]' -p eosio.faucet

To power up your native Jungle account with command line, you can use the following command:

./cleos.sh push action eosio powerup '{"payer": "<your.account>", "<receiver account>":"'$acc'", "days":1, "net_frac":20000000000, "cpu_frac":80000000000, "max_payment":"50.0000 EOS"}' -p <your account>

To get native Jungle EOS tokens use command:

cleos push action eosio.faucet send '["myaccount"]' -p eosio.faucet

To get EVM Jungle EOS tokens use command:

cleos push action eosio.faucet send '["0xaa2F34E41B397aD905e2f48059338522D05CA534"]' -p eosio.faucet

To send EOS with command line, use the following command:

./cleos.sh transfer <your_account> <receiver account> "1.0000 EOS" "Text of the memo (optional)"

To get the balance of test tokens with the command line, use the following command:

./cleos.sh get currency balance eosio.token <account name>

To show Jungle 4 live data using Pinax Firehose & Substreams, use the following run command:

substreams run -e jungle4.substreams.pinax.network:443 https://github.com/pinax-network/substreams/releases/download/common-v0.6.0/common-v0.6.0.spkg kv_out -s -1

Read more info about Substreams and Pinax Firehose . For additional information, feel free to contact a Pinax representative in the Jungle Telegram group.

To create a Jungle Testnet account directly from the Anchor mobile app enable testnets in the app settings, then choose Jungle 4 as the network when creating a new account.

For developers who prefer command line tools, the @wharfkit/cli offers a convenient way to create Jungle accounts. Install the package and run the following command:

npx @wharfkit/cli account

This command will generate a key pair locally, submit it to Jungle's account creation services, and output the details of your new account on the command line.

For detailed instructions, refer to the @wharfkit/cli documentation: Wharfkit CLI Account Creation Documentation

Jungle animals here right now


1–12 characters (a–z, 1–5, optional dots)
If you use SSL port, please add your certificate info into config.ini after installation.

Some content in menu 1.

Menu 2

Some content in menu 2.

Suggest 0 of 12
Public Keys

Don't have public keys? Generate Key Pair

With this tool you can power up any «native» account on Jungle Testnet without requiring authorization on the recipient's side. Limit: 1 tx per account every 6 hours.

With Jungle Faucet you can get «native» 100 EOS and 100 JUNGLE tokens to any account on Jungle Testnet without requiring authorization on the recipient's side. This tool does not send real EOS mainnet tokens. Limit: 1 tx per account every 6 hours.