Jungle as of
Head Block
Irreversible Block
Block Producer
Non-empty blocks
— / —
TPS Live / All time high
— / —
APS Live / All time high
System Contract
Actions and Tools
Key Pairs
Generate KeysPowerUp
Get ResourcesWallets
AnchorP2P List
Show P2P ListAPI Endpoints
Show API EndpointsMulty-signature
Create on MSIG.appIssue NFT
Block No. | Who | Action | Data |
Colors of rows
— Producing right now (can be combined with some other statuses)
— No response from public API endpoint (while it does not necessarily mean that producer's node is down)
— Other version. Version information is obtained from querying public nodes. Block producing nodes are usually hidden. There may be legitimate reasons for "off version" public nodes, like sidestepping a known bug, but these are rare
— Unsynced. This does NOT necessarily mean there's a fork or a difference in consensus. It could be that the node is resynchronizing and will soon be synced again
— Disabled. Checking stopped as the node was red for more than 12 hours. Please check your node and register again with the same name and pin to enable it again
— Wrong Chain. You connected a node with a different chain ID than in Jungles
Note 1: Many BPs use some load balancer with many nodes behind it. For this reason, even subsequent queries sometimes return different information.
Note 2: We pull the list of node producers from `cleos system list producers`
. We do this every several seconds.
- BP — Block Producer
- TPS — Transactions per second
- APS — Actions in transactions per second
- eTPS — Expired transactions per second. All-time high: 16,922 eTPS
- EVM — Ethereum Virtual Machine
- P2P — Peer-to-peer
- API — Application Programming Interface
FAQ and Tips
- CryptoLions: https://jungle4.cryptolions.io/v2/docs/
- EOS Sweden: http://jungle4.eossweden.org/v2/docs/
- EOS USA: https://jungle.eosusa.io/v2/docs/
You can find Snapshots/Backups for EOS Testnet Jungle at the following link:
To start a fresh node for the first time, you can run nodeos with the following parameters:
./start.sh --delete-all-blocks --genesis-json genesis.json
(run this command in the <NODE> folder)
Make sure you have the following setting in the config:
chain-state-db-size-mb = 16384
(Do NOT set this value higher than your available RAM)
To disable extra validations for nodes without a domain, add the following:
http-validate-host = false
To change limits for your system, add the following in your start.sh:
ulimit -n 65535
ulimit -s 64000
You can create a native Jungle (EOS Testnet) account using the following options:
Option 1:
./cleos.sh system newaccount --stake-net "10.0000 EOS" --stake-cpu "10.0000 EOS" --buy-ram-kbytes 4 <your.account> <new.account> <owner_pub_key> <active_pub_key>
Option 2:
cleos push action eosio.faucet create '[<your.account>, "<owner_pub_key>"]' -p eosio.faucet
To power up your native Jungle account with command line, you can use the following command:
./cleos.sh push action eosio powerup '{"payer": "<your.account>", "<receiver account>":"'$acc'", "days":1, "net_frac":20000000000, "cpu_frac":80000000000, "max_payment":"50.0000 EOS"}' -p <your account>
To get native Jungle EOS tokens use command:
cleos push action eosio.faucet send '["myaccount"]' -p eosio.faucet
To get EVM Jungle EOS tokens use command:
cleos push action eosio.faucet send '["0xaa2F34E41B397aD905e2f48059338522D05CA534"]' -p eosio.faucet
To send EOS with command line, use the following command:
./cleos.sh transfer <your_account> <receiver account> "1.0000 EOS" "Text of the memo (optional)"
To get the balance of test tokens with the command line, use the following command:
./cleos.sh get currency balance eosio.token <account name>
To show Jungle 4 live data using Pinax Firehose & Substreams, use the following run
substreams run -e jungle4.substreams.pinax.network:443 https://github.com/pinax-network/substreams/releases/download/common-v0.6.0/common-v0.6.0.spkg kv_out -s -1
Read more info about Substreams and Pinax Firehose . For additional information, feel free to contact a Pinax representative in the Jungle Telegram group.
To create a Jungle Testnet account directly from the Anchor mobile app enable testnets in the app settings, then choose Jungle 4 as the network when creating a new account.
For developers who prefer command line tools, the @wharfkit/cli offers a convenient way to create Jungle accounts. Install the package and run the following command:
npx @wharfkit/cli account
This command will generate a key pair locally, submit it to Jungle's account creation services, and output the details of your new account on the command line.
For detailed instructions, refer to the @wharfkit/cli documentation: Wharfkit CLI Account Creation Documentation